2024 Events

Friday, 14th June 7.30pm
Village Hall
Festival Film Night
"Erin Brockovich"

Saturday 15th June 10.30am - Midday
Village Hall
Children's Musical Teddy Bear's Picnic

Saturday, 15th June, 3pm - 5pm
Festival Garden Party
( by kind permission of Jamie & Liz Wootten)

Saturday, 15th June, 7pm
Karma Salford Hall
Festival Dinner with Christina Patterson

Sunday, 16th June, from 10:15am
Ellenden Dog Field
Harvington Dog Show

Monday, 17th June, 7pm
Village Hall
The Big Read, with Author Lex Coulton

Wednesday, 19th June, 7pm
St James The Great Church
Classical Music at St James'

Thursday 20th June, 7pm
Village Hall
Corks Wine Tasting

Friday, 21st June, 7pm - Late
Coach and Horses Pub
Live Music at the Coach Free Event

Saturday 22nd June, 3pm - 5pm
Village Hall
Harvington Youth Entertains

Saturday, 22nd June 2pm - 5pm.
Starting at the Baptist Chapel
Harvington Open Gardens, and Afternoon Teas

Saturday, 22nd June 2pm - 5pm
Baptist Chapel
Harvington Art Group Summer Exhibition

Sunday 23rd June, 2pm - 5pm
History, Arms and Armour

Saturday, 22nd June, 7pm - Late
Ellenden Farm Shop
MidSummer Barn Dance

Sunday, 23rd June, 2pm - 5pm
Starting from the Baptist Chapel
Harvington Open Gardens, and Afteroon teas

Sunday, 23rd June, 2pm - 5.30pm
Village Hall
Made in Harvington - A Craft Exhibition